11 Haziran 2013 Salı

Reflection on ''Article #3'' (2nd semester)

Whether or not women and men can be friends is a topic opened to discuss. While many support that ''yes,they can be friends'',the others are against to this idea. In this article, some possible results of friendship between men and women was discussed.

Friends can be defined as siblings that are not given by the God. According to this definition, our friends are our siblings at the same time. So there should be an unbroken bond between us and our ''real'' friends. Some reasons may harm this bond. For instance, the relationship between a man and a woman may turn out a dating,which is a damaging effect on intimate feelings of friendship. This is not their fault but a possibility. Such situation may somehow occur and pose a threat to female-male friendships.

In this article, the writer is also talking about benefits that individuals can get. For example, female-female friendships are generally based on more emotional occasions.  In any negative situation that is undergone, you pour your griefs out to your female friend and her reaction may be away from logic. That is to say, she may approach in emotional way and her efforts to help you may results in more trouble. But in female-male friendships, women are more lucky compared to the other option which is female-female friendship. Men can calmly handle the situation thanks to their nature. In this case; women obtain more benefit in friendships with men.

To sum up, two main possible results of female-male friendships are obvious and each is a common situation.   They can differ in some conditions. In my opinion, men and women can be friends regardless of negative samples.
Here is funny image for you :)

1 yorum:

  1. Dear Demet,
    You have a nice style of writing. You have explained the topic briefly. I agree with you that the topic is open to discuss. I believe women and men can be friends because I have boy friends, but just friends:) You need to be careful with punctuation mistakes.
    Thank you for your journal.
