12 Haziran 2013 Çarşamba

Rowing/multimedia (2nd semester)

Here is a video basically demonstrating METU Rowing Team. In this video, you can also see how the boat is driven and the sporter moves on it. I must actually state that it is not as easy as it seems :) You must train for weeks just to set balance on the boat and understand the techniques that you are supposed to do. In addition to some theory based information, like any other sports, rowing has a soul that holds the team together and connected. When I was a sporter in Fethiye Belediyesi Rowing Team, I spent all the time generally with my teammates. They were really friendly and helped me in any challenge,which is a unchanging result of being at the same team. I miss them so much :)
Let me give you some information about METU Rowing Team. It was founded in 1962 in METU and the team maintains the exercises at Eymir Lake. We are such lucky students that we can row in Ankara thanks to METU! :)

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